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Activity of Making Sachet

Time:June 5, 2024          Browse:

On June 4, the College of Electronic and Information Engineering held an activity of making sachets to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. The students in the college were present.

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanwu Festival, was introduced first. Followed by the story of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet was from the Chu state during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC). After that, the festival’s customs, such as eating Zongzi, dragon boat racing, hanging Calamus and Moxa, was presented. Then the teacher showed the students how to thread a needle, sew the bag, and tie the knots. After that, the students tried to make their own sachets.

This activity helped the students to have a better learning of the festival and the Chinese culture.

This activity was sponsored by the International Atmosphere Demonstration Space Construction Project of Tongji University.

Next:The Rector Horst Bischof and the delegation from TU Graz Visited


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