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The Rector Horst Bischof and the delegation from TU Graz Visited

Time:May 24, 2024          Browse:

On May 17th, the delegation headed by the Rector Horst Bischof from TU Graz visited the College of Electronic and Information Engineering (CEIE). The Vice Dean Prof. Hao Zhang, the Vice Director of Sino-German Research Center for Intelligent Systems Prof. Huilin Yin, the Head of Experimental Education Center Prof. Zhiyu Xu, and other teachers in CEIE were present.

The delegation group visited the Hardware in the Loop Testing Platform for Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV). The laboratory of Intelligent Vehicle and Cooperative control of Multi-agent was introduced by prof. Chao Huang. The delegation group also paid visit to the VEX Robotics Lab, Smart Car Racing Laboratory, and other Laborites in CEIE.




After that, a seminar was held to discuss students exchange,talent training program, joint scientific research and potential collaborative areas.

Pre:Activity of Making Sachet

Next:Prof.Dr. Sami Haddadin from TUM Visited


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