On Mar 2, 2023, the 46th Zhi·Xin Forum was held in Lecture hall 117 at Zhixin Building, Jiading campus of Tongji University. Professor Antonio Cicchella from the University of Bologna was invited to give a talk titled “Isokinetic technologies for research and rehabilitation”.
First, Prof. Antonio Cicchella introduced the concept of isokinetics devices. It is a part of biokinetics technologies, ranging from small servo-controlled machines with robotic actuator to large devices for testing and rehabilitation of upper and lower human limbs, after injuries or for function evaluation. Then, devices providing angle measurement, graphical display of force and position, and calculation of all derivatives were discussed. Furthermore, Prof. Antonio Cicchella introduced the purpose of such equipment and equipment manufactured in various countries around the world. He also pointed out that most of these machines are used to sport medicine, neuromuscular diseases, drugs evaluation, injury recovery and strengthening muscles. Finally, Prof. Antonio Cicchella shared some pointview on possible future developments and industrial opportunities in the field.
After the talk,Prof. Antonio Cicchellaexchanged views with teachers and students on issues related to isokinetic technologies. The talk further expanded the research horizons of our students and enhanced their understanding and knowledge of isokinetic technologies.
Written by Zhang Hao
Photographed by Wang Yunjiao