CIMS (Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems) Research Center of Tongji University was founded in 1993. At present, 13 staffs work for the Center, 3 of which have senior professional titles, 6 have associate senior professional titles, 9 have doctorates and 3 have overseas experience.
CIMS has both Doctoral and Master Programs in “System Engineering”. 15 doctoral students and 94 postgraduate students have graduated from CIMS Research Center from the spring of 2007 to the end of 2010. Currently, it has 16 doctoral students, 75 postgraduates and 3 post-doctoral researchers.
CIMSResearchCenter has set up several specialized laboratories successively, including a Newgrand ERP Central Laboratory, Tongji-Phoenix Contact Automation Laboratory, Digital Factory Laboratory and Virtual Reality Laboratory. In the past five years, the Center has published over 300 papers and 5 books, obtained 4 invention patents and 16 software copyrights. Research field involves in control engineering, computer technology, information engineering, mechanical engineering and management engineering and other multi-disciplinary theory.
Department Head:LIU Min Email:
Secretary: DAI Yiru