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Department of Control Science and Engineering

Time:March 1, 2024          Browse:

The history of Department of Control Science and Engineering (DCSE) can be traced back to 1912, when Tongji Medical and EngineeringSchool (the predecessor of TongjiUniversity) established the Major of Electrical Machinery. Now there are 48 teaching staffs, 85% of which have doctoral degrees and 26% of which obtained their doctor degrees from overseas universities. Meanwhile, more than 70% of the teachers have overseas exchanging experience and most of the teachers graduated from top colleges and universities.

Each year, DCSE enrolls about 100 undergraduate students, 100 master students and 25 doctoral students. It has established exchanges and cooperation with many prominent universities in Germany, Italy, France, Hong  Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Moreover, it has set up a Sino-Italian international cooperation class in Automation, so that our students will participate in a two-year exclusively English-Speaking professional education along with Italian students.

In recent years, DCSE has undertaken over 30 national scientific research projects. It has developed its own features in the following aspects: system integration and optimization of discrete manufacturing, intelligent control of artificial environment, robot and vehicle control as well as complex system and intelligent system.

Department Head :LIU Chengju               Email:liuchengju@tongji.edu.cn

Deputy Head: ZHANG Changzhu             Email:zhang_changzhu@tongji.edu.cn

                        DONG Yanchao                  Email:dongyanchao@tongji.edu.cn

Secretary: LI Ruiping                                 Email:liruiping@tongji.edu.cn

Next:Department of Electrical Engineering


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